Greetings!! This is the Web site for Afrocentric Sounds, the playlist/radio station featuring classical music written and/or performed by the African diaspora.
Afrocentric Sounds has a pretty eclectic program of music, reflecting the influence of other music styles–Spirituals, Ragtime, Jazz, Blues, Gospel, and other popular and folk music–on the creation and interpretation of classical music. The station also reflects the presence of Afrocentricity in Europe and the Americas. This is a place where performance of Beethoven or Bach resides comfortably with compositions by Joplin, Ellington, Bonds, etc. To access the station, please click on this link:
The station can also be reached at
Afrocentric Sounds Radio is also available on your mobile device. The station is hosted on Live365, which has access through the Apple App Store and Google Play platforms.
More programming is on the way!
Would you like to hear all-vocal music? All-piano music? All-orchestral music? Well, Afrocentric Sounds Radio will program two hours of music especially for you! All times listed are Central time
New!! Public Service Announcements on Afrocentric Sounds!
Individuals and groups that have activities relevant to the world of Afrocentric classical music are invited to submit public service announcements for placement of Afrocentric Sounds Radio.
Please submit audio announcement files in .mp3 format that are no longer than 30 seconds in duration. Attach the file to email and send to
For more information about Afrocentric Sounds, please email me at
Randye Jones